Monday, December 12, 2005

Confession Of Black UnderPants!

Calvin:: "Hobbes, someday even my rocket-ship underpants don't help."
Hobbes:: "Well you've done all you can!"

Now, how many people think that, that’s hilarious or something that is humorous rather than thought provoking? Well, if you do, Then I'd suggest, it's high time, you reflect back onto the reality of your life, which is consumed by greed and self-over-confidence.
I am a very practical headed guy, or at least that's what I say. ['_'] Yet, I have a strong belief, that secret of a Calvin’s accomplishments and mine are same. "Our Dear Underpants". Only obvious difference is, that being an ardent fan of celestial world, he chose something groovy that reflects his inherent personality and it's integral traits. "The rocket-ship Underpants!". On the other hand, I chose, [by matter of pure luck, mind it.] a simple plain black, "Jockey" underpants, which somehow, seems to jab a thrust of luck into my day and work.
Like bill-watterson and Calvin, if it was up to me, to choose my lucky underpants; I would right away go for a Red one with polka dots. My personal fav. without second thoughts.

Nevertheless, Blessed I am, for having something to look up to [or down towards] to make my day. Now here on I shall dive into a little melodrama and history of fact, that how did I come to realization that it was lucky for me. For those, who believe me by my word can try this simple exercise themselves to identify, the discrete objects that bring luck to them. :-)

When I bought those plain looking, scanty piece of discrete clothing, it never occurred to me even in my insane mind, that I might actually see it one day, as a solution of all my personal, technical, social, mental and biological problems. But then, there is no denying the fact that it has played it's role more responsibly than at least those "Make-Me-Stinky-Rich-Quick" tablets/pills.

Well, as I already said, I am not superstitious. But those tablets "did-have" something in them. As soon as I had one, I felt like, it's already working. And pardon me for obscurity, but the reasons were obvious. The "immediate-stink" led me to believe, that if I am stinking already, I maybe "rich" any moment now. Sigh... it never happened. Probably I needed luck "even with eating those tablets". [So I tried eating them in succession..]

Burpp... yeah.. that’s what happened. Gas! As if we don't have enough pollution in Bangalore already [Sorry, Bangluru, as it has been almost renamed today]. And it was after those frequent visits to my much-fav. loo, that I started to notice my black underpants, in all the free time I had behind that laminated ply door speaking of my deteriorating financial condition and equally hapless stroke of luck.

I had to do something to surface out of the pool of problems in my life. And nothing but euphoria surrounds you, when you realize that finally you have spotted the beam of light at the other end of tunnel[whether it is of oncoming train or bright sunshine in blue sky]. In moments of desperation, I took inspiration from my childhood heroes; Spiderman, Superman, Phantom... you name them.

Now here is the "million dollar question". What is common among all the heroes. Supernatural powers?? naaa... The powers themselves are different. The most prominent common thing, is the "unique-wear-over-trousers-underpants".

I mean.. seriously, have you seen a "normal-guy" wearing his underpants on top of his skin tight trousers? Answer is No. And I can bet my fortune [if I had any] on it. Yet all the heroes do that. This "had" to be the secret of their "dodge-bullets-at -end-time", "bombs-go-off-late" and "hottest-chick-falls-only-for-you" LUCK!

Damn, in the moments of dawning comprehension, I cracked the secret of perfect luck potion, "the underpants". Now the question remained; "Which one is it??" So when I was depleted with logical reasoning and ideas to figure out "THE ONE", I started with conventional "hit and trial" method.
Day after day, with the help of my "go-everywhere-take-anywhere-pocket-logbook" and careful analytical skills [developed while preparing for Infy entrance] I deciphered the ultimate natural encryption. And it did not come as a surprise, that my "hacking skills got exposed" while wearing "This" lucky under pant. Boy! was it a day. I knew right from the moment I woke up to the minutes, I fell asleep, that nothing could turn it's back on me, as long as I wear these lucky attire of manly dressing.

Now, only if you'd identify "the under pant" that radiates all the luck you need, you'd be never miserable and poor like I was once. And next time someone asks you, "How come you get to be so lucky??" tell them that "they might be sitting on it, maybe they just don't know about it!"

But then, one thing must be remembered at all times... Nature is most powerful agent of all times, and as Calvin very rightly said.. "Some days, even my lucky rocket-ship underpants won't help!" :-D


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