Thursday, December 01, 2005

AID with AIDS.

Sick and Diseased, are not people who have AIDS; they are just victims.
Sick and diseased, are people like you and me; who would just them be, a victim.

Please practice safe sex [By this I definitely do not mean, "Practice sex" :-D]
And know following "Facts" regarding AIDS:

  • HIV and AIDS are "disassociative". A AIDS person is HIV victim, but HIV may not lead to AIDS.

  • HIV and AIDS are most commonly transmitted through one night stands.

  • Contraceptives are not always effective. [As Joey and Ross already made a fuss, IT IS MENTIONED ON THE BOX!]

  • All means of "PRO-CREATIVE" sex can transmit HIV and AIDS virus. Yeah... I mean even, Oral by that.

  • Even conatct with open wounds and sores can transmit the virus. "So DO NOT HURT PEOPLE!"

  • Abstinence is the only 100% perfect way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted AIDS/HIV. Sigh..So much for "chawayanprash" and Gym classes. :-/

  • AIDS/HIV is not a gay disease or a punishment from God against immoral behavior. HIV is much worse, it's an invitation by DEVIL for "HELL OF A PARTY". Please don't go. Parties like these suck. Take my word for it.

  • AIDS/HIV can also be transmitted through injection drug use, blood transfusions, and from mother to fetus. So used fresh needles for cocain. Drink only "approved" blood.

  • The HIV virus itself is not a very strong virus - it is not air born and has a very short life outside of human fluids. So keep breathing.

  • AIDS/HIV has been found in human saliva but there is no medical evidence to date supporting claims that it can be passed on through infected saliva. All the french kissers, this may come as a good news to you. [That is, if you were using protection to kiss also, till now]

  • AIDS/HIV does not care about the color of your skin, your religious beliefs, your sexuality, your age or your socio-economic standing - it is an equal opportunity deadly virus!. I Repeat, "EQUAL-OPPURTUNITY". It's very "common" and I am sure you want to be unique, like everyone else. :-)

Play Safe and Stay Safe. Kindly be aware of all the right things and help doing the same.

[And Godika... The Bisleri adv. had nothing to do with "Dehydration". This is what they meant! U Retard - Ass]


Blogger Blutoe said...

Oye.. Excellent line. Guess, at least one jobless guy commented.

6:08 AM  

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